Monday, June 29, 2009

7 Reasons Why What Happened in Honduras was not a Coup

What happened in Honduras was not a Military Coup, it was the equivalent of Impeachment proceedings, executed by the two branches of the government, in favor of the people of Honduras that they Represent. The reason for impeachment of the president is the following:

1.The Constitution of Honduras does not allow for reelection
2.The Constitution of Honduras states that any intention to change term of the presidency, or the non-relection clause is considered a crime
3.Treason by any citizen of the country is punishable by law
4.The president of the country is a Citizen, and not above the law
5.Manuel Zelaya, by promoting to establish a public survey to change the constitution to permit for reelection is in fact engaging in a crime
6.The legislative and judicial branches of government are in their complete jurisdiction to impeach the president if he is guilty of treason
7.The Military executes orders based on the constitution, and the constution gives them the power to arrest and bring the president to the law, to be tried and convicted of his crimes.


  1. Todo esto son excusas para justificar a un claro y vil GOLPE DE ESTADO. El mundo no acepta estas excusas y exigimos la inmediata restauración sin condiciones del presidente Manuel Zelaya.

    !Abajo las mentiras y los dictadores! !Arriba la democracia!

  2. q sabe xsm1998 de lo vil q es Manuel Zelaya! Aquí es un chiquero, un hato ganadero, por culpa de ese idiota. Gracias a Dios, se fue. Seguimos la ley de Honduras y sacamos a Zelaya apropiadamente.

    Nadie lo quiere aquí.

  3. frustrante! nos hemos unido, defendido la ley! sacado aun corrupto que violaba la ley como se le antojaba y qye iba a volverse un tirano y la gente juzga sin conocimiento...porfavor amigos todos , indagen mas, esto no es golpe de Estado , luchamos por la paz, democracia y respeto d nuestras leyes! no queremos que Mel nunca regrese aqui como presidente,,,nunca!

  4. Seguramente ese ultimo comment es de un comprado por Mel, o ni siquiera vive la situacion en este pais!!! Viva Honduras.. A LA MIERDA MEL!!

  5. No queremos a un corrupto, jamas ha habido tanta corrupcion, desempleo, inseguridad, asesinatos, secuestros, esa es la agenda del dia de MEL ZELAYA Y HUGO CHAVEZ, SEMBRAR CAOS, BUENO, vayanse a Venezuela!!!!
