Sunday, June 28, 2009

Press Release #4 - Comunicado de Prensa #4

(At 3:45 pm Local) After being sworn in at Congress, Mr. Roberto Micheletti assumed office as the new president of HONDURAS
Former president Manuel Zelaya was removed from power after defying the judicial system in promoting an illegal poll to destroy the present Constitution and stay in power beyond his mandate.
Examples of this defiance are: his continuous lack of compliance in sanctioning laws sent to him by Congress; not presenting a national budget, (literally paralyzing basic functions in the administration, purchase of medicines for hospitals and causing chaos of the public education system); and many acts of corruption by different entities in the Executive power.
Political, social and economic sectors of the country coincide that the country has reestablished its constitutional order by removing former president Zelaya and swearing in Roberto Micheletti as the new President.
This situation coincides with the suggestions of the European Union Chancellors reunion in Greece, who suggested that Honduras had to return to its constitutional order immediately.
After his oath of office, Micheletti proceeded to establish a new presidential cabinet that will maintain the administrative functions of the government, assuring the government is fully functional and the private, social and economic activities are proceeding normally as a democratic state. He stressed that he will carry out the routine presidential, municipal and congressional elections in November of this year.

(A las 3:45 de la tarde, hora local) Roberto Micheletti asumió como Presidente de Honduras, luego de ser juramentado en la sede del Poder Legislativo, que destituyo al ex presidente Manuel Zelaya por desafiar a los organismos de justicia e intentar realizar una encuesta popular, el no cumplimiento de su deber al no sancionar decretos aprobados por el Congreo no elaborar el presupuesto nacional, instrumento necesario para administrar funciones gubernamentales como la compra de medicinas para los hospitales y la efectividad del sistema educativo público y varios actos de corrupción efectuados en diversos entes del Poder Ejecutivo.
Los sectores políticos, sociales económicos del país coinciden en que el país ha reestablecido el orden constitucional, al destituir al ex presidente Zelaya, y juramentar al nuevo presidente del Ejecutivo, Michelleti.
Esta situación coincide con la sugerencia de los cancilleres de la Unión Europea, que reunidos en Grecia, estimaron que Honduras debía retornar de inmediato al orden constitucional. Tras su juramentación Micheletti procede a establecer el nuevo gabinete ministerial que mantendrá las funciones administrativas del Gobierno, asegurando que la organización estatal está en pleno funcionamiento y las actividades del sector privado social y económico siguen el proceso normal de un país y estado democrático.

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